Makkawity (makkawity) wrote,

ПХЕНЬЯН, 3 марта. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Юрий Сидоров/. Власти КНДР решили депортировать австралийского священника-евангелиста Джона Шорта, сообщает информационное агентство ЦТАК.

Мужчина прибыл в страну в прошлом месяце в качестве туриста и тайно положил несколько экземпляров Библии на корейском языке у буддийского храма в Пхеньяне 16 февраля. Как отмечается в сообщении агентства, это преступление "вызвало особое возмущение корейского народа, поскольку в тот день отмечался национальный праздник - День рождения Ким Чен Ира", подчеркивается в сообщении.

75-летний миссионер в ходе следствия признал, что "совершил противоправные преступные действия, наносящий ущерб корейскому народу, принес искренние извинения и попросил проявить к нему снисхождение", сообщает ЦТАК. Власти КНДР приняли решение о депортации Шорта, учитывая его преклонный возраст.

В опубликованном сегодня письменном признании Шорт отметил, что распространяемые СМИ США и других западных стран сведения о том, что "КНДР является закрытой страной, где не действуют религиозные свободы, не соответствуют действительности".

KCNA released a four minute video which depicted Mr. Short reading his statement to DPRK authorities. According to KCNA Mr. Short made a written apology on 1 March (Saturday) which said:

I am John Alexander Short living in Hong Kong and a citizen of Australia.

I violated the independent right and offended against the Law of the DPRK.

I knew that my actions would offend the independent right and would be against the law of the DPRK.

I wanted more Korean people to be Christians therefore I secretly spread Bible tracts written by me.

I heard from the T.V. and newspaper reports that the DPRK is the closest closed socialist country in the world.

I heard from the reports the religious freedom is not in North Korea. And that foreigners are not welcome to visit or attend for the Church.

In the process of hearing the reports I questioned if it was true.

In early 2012 I requested Mr. Paul Baek to translate my Bible tract into the Korean language. Mr. Paul Baek is a business man from south Korea.

I designed my Bible tracts in small size for spreading easier into Korea-DPRK.

I entered the DPRK in August 2012 and personally carried a few Bible tracts and my own personal Bible.

I was interested to see if I could possibly carry more on another occasion.

I committed the criminal act against the law of the DPRK by spreading my Bible tracts in Pyongyang underground station on the train.

My mind was to make sure that I could spread more of my Bible tracts on another occasion. After that my feeling was I could spread more easier next time.

In February 2014 I came as a tourist to DPRK to spread my Bible tracts in a larger quantity.

On February 16th I visited the Popun temple and committed a criminal act by secretly spreading my Bible tracts around the temple.

I deeply apologize for what I have done by spreading my Bible tracts on February 16th, the birthday of His Excellency Kim Jong Il (Kim Cho’ng-il). The people of the DPRK regard February 16th as the greatest national holiday.

I now realize the seriousness of my insult to the Korean people on February 16th because I made the Korean people angry and for this I truly apologize.

I realize that my actions are an indelible hostile act against the independent right and law of the DPRK.

I request the forgiveness of the DPRK for my actions.

I am willing to bow down on my knees to request this tolerance of the DPRK and the Korean people.

I realize that the mass media of the USA and the western countries who say that the DPRK is the closed country and has no religious freedoms is inaccurate and wrong.

I have the decision to report to anyone my positive attitude of the reality of the DPRK.

I will tell the truth to my friends of the DPRK.

I will not commit any further criminal acts in violating the independent right and law of the DPRK.

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