(1951) The Riddle of MacArthur: Japan, Korea, and the Far East
я смог только после того, как в ином тексте его назвали Гантером и я решат поискать с "ТН".
Теперь будем искать книгу и проверять, все ли передирали верно, включая сообщение о начале войны южанами (или точнее о совпадении этого с очередным спровоцированным РК инцидентом).
И еще 2 текста на заметку на будущее. - автор Former Ambassador to the United Nations, Republic of Korea, 1960-1961
и ради цитаты ЛСМ to U.S. News & World Report in August 1954, "We started this fight in the first place in the hope that Communist would be destroyed."
и заявления The official U.S. Army history of the American Military Advisory Group in Korea, referring to the more than 400 engagements that had taken place along the 38th parallel in the second half of 1949, reports that "some of the bloodiest engagements were caused by South Korean units securing and preparing defensive positions that were either astride or north of the 38th parallel. This provoked violent actions y North Korean actions."